Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sometimes the soul must enter a situation similar

Sometimes the soul must enter a situation similar to that of a previous lifetime in order to correct. An old setting with a new story.

Reincarnation = 72 = loving-kindness.

Reincarnation = 72 = loving-kindness. By the Almighty's infinite loving-kindness the soul migrates to achieve its ultimate rectification.

Great authors may write many novels, without any apparent relation between them.

Great authors may write many novels, without any apparent relation between them. This is like a soul going through many reincarnations.

So reincarnation is indeed a paradox.

So reincarnation is indeed a paradox. We have been here before but our present life has its inspired beginning and end, completely novel.

That explains why there are some who don't believe in reincarnation

That explains why there are some who don't believe in reincarnation - in order to retain the novelty and uniqueness of each lifetime.

Even if you have been here before in a previous lifetime

Even if you have been here before in a previous lifetime, your present life is a novel, new and unusual, with an inspired beginning and end.

"See... and before Whom you will have to give account."

"See... and before Whom you will have to give account." This final sight directs the unfolding plot of your story.

"See where you come from and where you're going...."

"See where you come from and where you're going...." Sight is wisdom, insight. These two sights inspire your first and last sentences.

When writing your novel

When writing your novel begin with an inspired sentence and end with an inspired sentence (which you envision from the start), then fill in.

Novel means new and unusual

Novel means new and unusual. Each of our lives is a novel. We are the authors of our own novels.

The beginning is the head and the end is the seal.

The beginning is the head and the end is the seal. Just as "all follows the head" so "all follows the seal."

Some authors began with one sentence for the beginning and one for the end

Some authors began with one sentence for the beginning and one for the end followed by an unfolding plot of hundreds of pages in between.

"All follows the beginning."

"All follows the beginning." Many of the greatest novels developed from just one inspired opening sentence.

The knowledge accessible to mind alone is limited

The knowledge accessible to mind alone is limited. "The unknowable head" sweetens the severities of the mind, ever expanding its borders.

The mind strives for certainty.

The mind strives for certainty. The highest level of crown, above mind, is "the unknowable head." They are meant to complement one another.