Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sometimes a tzadik works for his chasid

Sometimes a tzadik works for his chasid, then it comes easy. But better is that the tzadik is there to encourage you to work yourself.

Easy is the experience of natural flow

Easy is the experience of natural flow from on high to below. Hard is climbing upwards (facing and overcoming obstacles) from bottom up.

Take it easy and feel God at work, but work hard yourself

Joseph possessed the proper balance between easy and hard in his life.Take it easy and feel God at work, but work hard yourself.

Hard things present more of a challenge

Some things are easy, others are hard. Hard things present more of a challenge than do easy things. Reach a balance between easy and hard.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Smell is the messianic sense.

Someone just said, "Revolution is in the air." You can't see it or hear it, but you can smell it. Smell is the messianic sense.

Monday, January 31, 2011

In general, for your dream to come true people have to buy into your dream. In our day and age the internet makes this easier.
Joseph was the archetypal dreamer. After many years, his dreams came true. Nowadays it doesn't take so long for dreams to come true.