Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Every year God shines new light into the world

Every year God shines new light into the world, thus changing His appearance. God doesn't look the same to us this year as He did last year http://twitter.com/RabbiGinsburgh/status/23261574634

The Ba'al Shem Tov said, "Where you think is where you are"

The Ba'al Shem Tov said, "Where you think is where you are" and "where you will is where you are." Think/will to be together with good souls http://twitter.com/RabbiGinsburgh/status/23235744495

Abraham was the first

Abraham was the first to believe in One God. He was the first to love God and man. He was the first to truly give of himself to others. http://www.facebook.com/159646274066336/posts/168148503216113

Rectify means to identify with.

The Zohar says, To rectify a nation rectify its head. Rectify means to identify with. Abraham is the head of our nation. Identify with him. http://twitter.com/RabbiGinsburgh/status/23234757403

God gave Israel to Israel. Israel belongs to Israel.

The People of Israel is God's chosen people. The Land of Israel is His chosen land. God gave Israel to Israel. Israel belongs to Israel. http://twitter.com/RabbiGinsburgh/status/23229305822