Sunday, September 12, 2010

The faster one moves, the more liable he is to error.

The faster one moves, the more liable he is to error. Keep on the move, don't be afraid of making a mistake. The greatest men made mistakes.

In Hebrew, "fast" (chish) means "quiet"

In Hebrew, "fast" (chish) means "quiet" (chash). Noise slows you down, it creates friction, disturbance. "Say little and (thereby) do much."

While moving fast towards one's goal one also loses sight of one's position.

While moving fast towards one's goal one also loses sight of one's position. So long as one's goal is ahead of him he is presently nowhere.

In quantum mechanics if you focus on speed you lose sight of position.

In quantum mechanics if you focus on speed you lose sight of position. God asked Adam "where are you?" He didn't know, for he was falling.

On a fast (day) one should focus on speed

On a fast (day) one should focus on speed - how fast is the world running past me and how fast am I running to accomplish my goal in life.