Saturday, September 25, 2010

On Sukot we read Ecclesiastes.

On Sukot we read Ecclesiastes. The message: All is vanity so don't care about what befalls you, just fear God and perform His will with joy.

Our's is a generation of relaxation.

Our's is a generation of relaxation. We're all tired. If you're tired you need to relax. It's time to game. The Torah is God's holy game.

If mathematics is relaxing from it, then music is getting into it,

If mathematics is relaxing from it, then music is getting into it, and the Torah is it. Paradoxically, it and relaxing from it are the same.

God created music for spiritual elevation.

God created music for spiritual elevation. The Torah itself is primordial, it reflects God Himself. But it has both music and mathematics.

When the mind is too tired to study a Torah text in depth, that's the time to count its letters.

When the mind is too tired to study a Torah text in depth, that's the time to count its letters. God created mathematics for relaxation.

In Hebrew, "fall" and "wonder" are cognate.

In Hebrew, "fall" and "wonder" are cognate. By witnessing wonders in nature and in our lives we fall in love with our Creator.

Why do we say "to fall in love"?

Why do we say "to fall in love"? To experience true love one must fall from the heights of his ego. Egocentricity does not allow for love.

Free fall in a dream is a good sign.

Free fall in a dream is a good sign. Don't worry, you won't crash, you'll wake up first. God's hand is there to catch you, fall into it.

If you're dreaming and want to wake up fall backwards.

If you're dreaming and want to wake up fall backwards. If you're not sure that it's a dream make sure there's something soft in back of you.

Love resides in the right of your heart, fear in the left.

Love resides in the right of your heart, fear in the left. The experience of unity is to your front and purity of thought is to your back.

Turn your inner eye upward and see Divine Providence in your life.

Turn your inner eye upward and see Divine Providence in your life. Downward and negate the existence of any power over you other than God.

An emissary must be faithful to the one that sent him on his specific mission

An emissary must be faithful to the one that sent him on his specific mission. Try to hear your name being called from on high to act.

You are an emissary of God

You are an emissary of God on earth to bring His light and goodness to all. You do this through meditation and walking is His ways.

Every verse, every word, and every letter of the Torah is a Divine portal

Every verse, every word, and every letter of the Torah is a Divine portal through which the infinite light of the Almighty appears to us.

The essence of Jewish meditation

The essence of Jewish meditation is the concentrated effort of the soul to search for and find God in every experience of our lives.