Monday, November 15, 2010

Kabbalah is the science of creation

Kabbalah is the science of creation, the story behind the scenes, and the 'portrait' of the Creator at work in the act of creation.

To be symmetric means to look the same from different perspectives

To be symmetric means to look the same from different perspectives. Every phenomenon we see, no matter where we look, we see One God.

The faster one moves, the more liable he is to error

The faster one moves, the more liable he is to error. Keep on the move, don't be afraid of making a mistake. The greatest men made mistakes.
God created the world with 10 sayings. Had He done it with only 1, by minimalizing the saying He would have increased the doing, but no...
In Hebrew, "fast" (chish) means "quiet" (chash). Noise slows you down, it creates friction, disturbance. "Say little and (thereby) do much."
While moving fast towards one's goal one also loses sight of one's position. So long as one's goal is ahead of him he is presently nowhere.
In quantum mechanics if you focus on speed you lose sight of position. God asked Adam "where are you?" He didn't know, for he was falling.
On a fast (day) one should focus on speed - how fast is the world running past me and how fast am I running to accomplish my goal in life.
A new year is a new chance to get our act together. In Hebrew, a positive act, mitzvah, means together - together in itself with God and man
The challange of our generation is to unite the two ever evolving states of consciousness: timeless Torah and time-bound science.
What does it mean to ask God to be our king? That He take responsibility to provide for us by our taking responsibility to provide for Him.
Science evolves, its theories change, it is time-bound. Torah also evolves, the oral tradition is organic, always growing, but is timeless.
Every year God shines new light into the world, thus changing His appearance. God doesn't look the same to us this year as He did last year
The shofar gives voice to the inward cry of our hearts and our crying out to God. Spontaneous crying on days of awe...
Abraham was the first to believe in One God. He was the first to love God and man. He was the first to truly give o...
In our "forgiveness" prayers we say "perhaps He will have mercy." "Perhaps" implies t...
The Bible speaks of two "rods" a "pleasant rod" and a "harmful rod". The rod - a symbol of discipline - can be eith...
This coming year, 5771, is a year of "conscious determination", a year of mind over matter, a year of "living Torah...
We pray to God to reveal His kingdom on earth. A true king rules only by the will of his people. God is waiting for...
The greatest compassion (rachmonus in Hebrew) is on one that does not deserve compassion, that is unable to appre... ""
Love is the all-encompassing emotion of the soul. It is the right arm of the groom in the Song of Songs that embr... ""
Fear nothing but God!
The Ba'al Shem Tov said: Fear nothing but God! To fear God means to stand in awe of the Infinite One who dwells i... ""
The inner experiences of the soul's intellectual faculties - wisdom, undersanding, and knowledge - are selflessne... ""
To believe in God is not just to believe that He exists
Good and peace for all will come when Judaism, in its pristine essence, soul and body as one, is recognized as the universal way of life.
Good and peace for all will come when Judaism, in its pristine essence, soul
and body as one, is recognized as the universal way of life.
The honey of Torah refers to the sweet mysteries of Divinity and creation. Its flow and integration into our consciousness is slower.
Honey has a high viscosity, water has a low viscosity. Water, Torah's revealed dimension, flows fast from its high origin to our low reality
Viscosity is the resistance of a liquid to flowing. Torah is likened to water, milk, olive oil, and honey. Each has a different viscosity.